Is IECP really a heart saver? Should IECP treatment be made mandatory after 40 ?


heart day

World Heart Day is a day of a pledge to keep the heart healthy. The growing menace of an unhealthy heart is ever-increasing. And what is disturbing is that the co-conspirators of this disease, who on one side increase heart disease and in combination produce morbidity and mortality, are also accruing epidemic proportions. Everyone knows that if these diseases including diabetes, hypertension and obesity are left unattended the day would soon come when the world would become incompetent to deal with so many diabetics and so also coronary artery diseases and hypertension. It has already been projected that with this growing trend, this would happen before and certainly by 2030.

These diseases have a genetic background, that is partly heredity and therefore, siblings born of such parents are potentially prone to heart disease but it is the influence of lifestyle that makes the difference in their presentation.

Many Ethnic groups globally are prone to coronary artery disease and what is more painful is that the younger generation is more affected and in a more severe form. One can therefore understand how important it is to control and contain the growing storm of heart disease if the future.

No country in the world is rich enough to cure the malady of heart disease and one should therefore prevent the disease.

Many in the developed world have understood the significance of prevention and have taken measures in children, growing adults and adults and the results can already be seen. The evidence of disease in the western world is declining but on the contrary, we have still not fully realized the value of preventative measures.

Rheumatic heart disease which cripples poor children with heart valve problems has also not diminished because of poor housing, sanitation and hygiene. On the other hand, hypertension and coronary heart disease is also increasing, so it is not a surprise that we are being afflicted by a poor man's disease and so-called rich people's disease as well.

There are many well-known factors which if controlled can reduce the incidence of heart disease. Important are diabetes, hypertension, smoking, alcohol, obesity and limited physical activity and above all stress. All these are known as risk factors and if controlled in time can effectively go a long way to controlling a heart problem. One should have low salt, low sugar content in the diet, low level of saturated calories and strenuous physical activity and above all stress-free life.

EECP model SL-200

The situation has to be addressed in early childhood and adolescents where they are amendable to counterproductive influences in school and workplaces. Keeping a heart healthy is not a medical problem; rather it is a social problem and has to be tackled by different components of society and their leaders. Only then observance of world heart day would be meaningful.

IECP therapy helps keep the heart beating. Think for yourself why shouldn't an IECP treatment be made mandatory for everyone over forty? After all, it is more targeted.

More on IECP

ECP Device SL-200

The SL-200 IECP device from TMC Europa Ltd. is a state-of-art device that outclasses every other ECP device available in the market today.

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